Tuesday 6 May 2008

falling in to place

i went to a meeting on friday of the Love It Share It project, with a view to finding a potential case study. I had one of those days when everything falls into place and suddenly it all becomes clear! i find that i have these moments of clarity where i suddenly see all the connections between all the things that i want to do, and it all seems really straight forward, then after a few hours it gets misty again and i know the connections are there, i just can't really articulate them. but then i guess that's probably part of the phd process.

anyway, i'm thinking at the moment that the LISI project will be the main case study around which i can build my phd project, and within it and linked to it will be several potential design projects.

so now all i've got to do is go back to that moment of clarity and remember what it was all about.

maybe i should try hypnosis!