Sunday 31 August 2008

Arse kicking

it's quite difficult to kick one's own arse without falling over, but i kind of feel like i should. this blog reminds me of the diaries i used to sparodically keep when i was a teenager. i actually still have most of the diaries. i was never very good at keeping it going, and usually wrote in them when i felt really bad about something. consequently they're not great reading, and generally just remind me of a whole load of angst. so, this blog reminding me of that is probably not great, but on the other hand doing a phd is by most accounts a tough time, and one that has many highs and lows. so if this is a place to vent ab0ut the lows then i guess it will serve a worthy purpose.

so, i'm back in the saddle after having a really long summer break. it was a working holiday type break - conference in turin (which thinking about it i should really write a review of because it was really influential), performing at latitude festival, and trying out some appropriate technology in indonesia. i do feel like i had a proper break, a complete mental rest if not a physical one. i was able to put all thoughts of phd to one side and focus on some very delightful experiences. i am now drafting my revised proposal for the participatory design conference, and realising that actually i do kind of know what i'm doing, and certainly what i need to do, which is reassuring.

i'm also quite tempted by the design history or research society conference on experiential knowledge next june. one of the brick walls that i keep banging my head against is the division between research and practice, and the way that i seem to keep getting involved in my potential research material as a practitioner. i reckon it has a lot to do with my personality, i just get involved with things, like for example the PRADSA network that i have been going along to as a participant, i have somehow ended up volunteering to take on some of the organisational tasks for the next workshop, and working for erskine, and the love it share it project.

anyway. its late so i need to focus on some other things, like sleeping and cups of herbal tea. but i must must must get this blog going. consider your butt kicked katie jane. write the damn blog.