Friday 31 October 2008

Writers Block

I'm experiencing the most prolonged writers block imaginable (to me at least). What is this all about? I've cleared my diary so that I have time, I'm going to bed early and eating well so I'm not super tired or unhealthy, I know what I've got to write because I've made a start on it and got some very useful feedback. But still, I just can't write.

The irony is that a significant proportion of my teaching has been about writing, particularly about helping students who find it difficult to write to write. And I did a whole teaching portfolio about it. So in theory I know all the tricks. So it must be something deeper than that. I'm starting to look into the psychology of writers block. When I find some things to read about it I will report back.

First observation though, why are there books about doing academic writing that don't talk about writers block?