Tuesday 22 April 2008

getting started

i should be well beyond getting started by now, but i'm not, so here goes!

So here I am in my phd office on the 3rd floor, looking at a building site, and i've been back at uni doing my PhD for about 6 weeks now. To be honest, progress is slow so far, and i have been constructively procrastinating with a selection of worthy tasks such as teaching, helping colleagues with funding bids, sorting out the admin for my office (nightmare!) and new email accounts etc., and writing conference abstracts. i've also drunk lots of tea, had lots of chats, nipped to the shops a few times, and caught up on various email accounts.

my plan is that if i have a blog, and start to publicly record my progress, i will somehow shame myself into doing some work. i'll also be able to break the seal on writing and get going every day!. it's a bit ambitious but it may work.

what i need is a good plan. so right now i'm going to get on and do one and i'm not going to leave the office until i've made some progress.


1 comment:

Karen said...

Hi Katie
Like the blog idea. I might adopt it myself as I am also good at procrastination, tea drinking and generally distracting myself. I also think it's important to reflect on what I've done, so really I should get on and do that!
Research looks interesting too, of course being in the 'other' camp over in planning, and being a regenerationer too. We should get together to chat sometime. I'm trying to develop the regen focus in my stuff too, as at the moment I know it's important but it's like an add on in my research. Anyway, back to it. This should be in my blog not your comments! Will send you a link to mine when I understand the technology ;-)